On Semiconductor’s NCS2003 operational amplifier is designed to ensure high-performance operation in low-voltage low-power applications. The NCS2003 is a low-voltage operational amplifier with rail-to-rail output drive capability. Its 1.8V operation allows high performance operation in low-voltage, low-power applications.
Telecom / network equipment and server / storage systems, ON Semiconductor’s NCP3231A high-current synchronous buck converter is aimed at applications such as cellular base stations.
ON Semiconductor’s NCP103MXTCGEVB evaluation board is Enabling quick evaluation of the NCP103 150mA CMOS low dropout regulator. The NCP103 provides the designer with a highly stable, accurate voltage with low noise suitable for space-constrained, noise-sensitive applications.
ON Semiconductor’s high-current NCP3232N synchronous buck converter was designed as a high-efficiency voltage-mode synchronous buck converter operating from 4.5V to 21V input and generating output voltages down to 0.6V at up to 15A.
Offering superior performance in demanding switching applications, ON Semiconductor’s Field Stop II series insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT).
With the introduction of a new class of CCD image sensor technology, ON Semiconductor has set a new benchmark in low-light imaging for industrial markets.