Kennedy Labs, a division of Hub Incorporated의 최신 기술 | Heisener Electronics
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Kennedy Labs, a division of Hub Incorporated의 최신 기술

기록 2
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Technology Cover

2023-08-23, How to control the power converter?

Power converter control plays a crucial role in optimizing the overall performance of a power conversion system. With proper control, the efficiency of the power converter can be maximized, energy loss reduced and component life extended. By designing a complex control algorithm, the power conversion can be effectively and optimally managed while keeping the output voltage and current of the power converter constant.

Technology Cover

2023-08-14, How to maximize the efficiency of SiC traction inverters with real-time variable gate drive strength

Traction inverters are the main component that consumes battery power in electric vehicles (EVs), with power levels up to 150kW or higher. The efficiency and performance of traction inverters directly affect the driving range of electric vehicles after a single charge. Therefore, in order to build the next generation of traction inverter systems, silicon carbide (SiC) field-effect transistors (FETs) are widely used in the industry to achieve higher reliability, efficiency and power density.