Journey to Zhangjiajie City for celebrating the 2019 New Year - 블로그 | Heisener Electronics
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Journey to Zhangjiajie City for celebrating the 2019 New Year

에 게시 1월 4, 2019

Journey to Zhangjiajie City for celebrating the 2019 New Year

   We had a special new year holiday for 2019. Heisener sales team-1 went to Zhangjiajie City on 12-29-2018. It was the first time for some of our colleagues to see and touch the real and heavy snow, you can imagine how excited we were.

We fighted in snow, took pictures, and some of us couldn't help to taste snow,just like children.

Temperatures are very different between Shenzhen and Zhangjiajie, we planed and prepared one month for this travelling. We all had different and rememberable new year. Funny time always be short, especially spend with people that you like, every one in Heisener sales team-1 is lovely, we knew each other better and saw a different colleagues though this travelling. is an One Stop Purchasing Service Provider of Electronic Components. We promise to serve all customers better and more comprehensively in 2019.

Come on!!  Join us --Heisener Team!